On June 29, 2022, in the Ozurgeti Technopark, the "Ideathon" organized by the youth department of Young Pedagogues Union was held, within the framework of which the members of the School of Leaders and the "Ideas and Entrepreneurship Laboratory" of partner schools of the organization presented business ideas.
Within the curriculum developed by the organization, based on the Canvas business model, young people worked on modeling enterprises and formulated business ideas.
14 business ideas were presented.
The teams shared detailed information about their ventures, talked about the products and services they were thinking of creating, and asked a potential investor for funding in a simulation format.
Investors came from various sectors, including business, government and non-government.
Investors will evaluate the projects, give recommendations, finally choose the favorite business idea and which will be awarded with symbolic paid prizes.
With this approach, we think that we will be able to promote personal development among teenagers and raise the skills necessary for self-employment. They will be given the opportunity to improve their skills in applying knowledge in practice, preparing and managing entrepreneurial projects, dealing with difficult situations, teamwork and presentation skills.
Mastering the fundamentals of entrepreneurship provides a wide arena for teenagers to plan, develop and implement innovative ideas. It is a vitally important skill, with which each individual automatically becomes a contributor to the development of the economy of his country, which leads to the growth of his civic duties and responsibilities.
The organization expresses special thanks to the supporters of the mentioned event:
Airnet • AIRNET Sandomi • Sandomi Anaseuli Otka • Anaseuli Otka Ozurgeti Municipality City Hall • Ozurgeti City Hall Guria side Vasil Chigogidze / Vasil Chigogidze Bank of Georgia • Bank of Georgia TBC - TBC KredoBank Tonus • Tonusi Liberty • Liberty My Market - My Market
Ideathon was implemented within the framework of the projects "Skill Building and Innovative Job Opportunities for Regional Development of Georgia" and "For a Better Future" implemented by the Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG), young teachers Union (YPU) and Georgian Civil Development Association (GCDA). The projects are financially supported by the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia and the German Foundation "Bread of the World". #CSRDG #YPU #SAGA #Skills4Jobs #breadfortheworld