
Meeting with the representative of Ozurgeti City Council

📢 Today, the students of the Youth Center of the Young Teachers' Union and the School of Leaders met with a representative of the Ozurgeti City Council.
✔️Current advocacy campaigns were discussed at the meeting, namely:
▪️ Street dogs;
▪️ Installation of signs near demolished / hazardous buildings;
The youth also introduced two new advocacy campaigns, the first of which is to ensure radioactive waste management, and the second is to set up a bicycle path on the coastal street in Ozurgeti.
✔️ Sakrebulo representative Marika Chkhikvishvili expressed her support to the teenagers, introduced the new project of the municipality "Be a co-ruler" and jointly planned the next activities aimed at solving these problems.

📌 The meeting is organized within the framework of the "Tolerance, Civic Awareness and Integration Support Program" [PITA], implemented by the United Nations Association of Georgia (UNAG) with the financial support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).